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Main page > Auction > 62. Auction of Art and Antiques > Six Prints


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Václav Hollar (1607-1677)


1. Woman with a Wreath of Oak Leaves, 1646. Copperplate on paper, 122x94 mm, marked upper left „Martin Schön“ and dated upper right „1646“. Parthey Pennington No. P1641. - 2. Head and shoulders of a Turk, with a moustache and a large turban (after Hans Holbein). Copperplate on paper, 140x95 mm, signed and dated in print upper right „WHollar fecit 1646“, marked left „HHolbein inv.“ Inscription „Do. Henrico van der Borcht iuniori, Artis Pictoriae Amatori maximo, Amico suo dilectissimo, hanc tabellam dedicat, Adam, Alexius Bierling. Ao 1646“. Parthey Pennington No. P2010. - 3. Woman with hair parted in centre, from the series of 37 bust pictures of women in circles. Etching on paper, 110x100 mm, signed and dated lower left „Hollar fec. 1646.“ Parthey Pennington No. P1912. - 4. Young man, after Holbein. Etching on paper, 85x68 mm, signed and dated upper left „W. Hollar, 1637.“ Parthey Pennington No. 1543. - 5. Mercatoris Norimbergensis Vxor. Etching on paper, 110x75 mm, signed and dated lower left „W. Hollar fecit. 1646“. Parthey Pennington No. P1819. - 6. Martyrdom. Etching on paper, 118x73 mm, signed lower left „W. Hollar fecit.“

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