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Main page > Auction > 61. Auction of Arts and Antiques > Set of Manuscripts, Diocese Litoměřice, 18 pieces


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1. Fragment of the accounting entry. Vintířov ?, 1650 ?. 2. Announcement of release from prison, July 17, 1673. 3. Permission to be released from Vilémov to Radonice, September 21, 1681. 4. Announcement of release from the estate Krásný Dvůr, January 12, 1694. 5. Approval of the marriage , October 5, 1712. 6. Approval of the sale of a quarter of the field, March 13, 1753. 7. Confirmation of marital origin, December 16, 1760. 8. Grant of the marital origin, March 18, 1761. 9. Confirmation of the training, March 27, 1766. 10. Debt Letter, December 2, 1766. 11. Granted consent for the servant to start serving, December 3, 1770. 12. Announcement of the replacement from Radonic to the jurisdiction of the estate of Žďár, April 1, 1774. 13. Request for the Mayor and advice on reminding the inhabitants of Radonic to pay, April 19, 1779. 14. Grant of the Certificate of Marital Origin by the Mayor and the Council of the City of Toužim, October 30, 1662. 15. Announcement of the Release of the Servant from Šomprun, April 14, 1694. 16. The Certificate from the Žatec grammar school, partially printed, August 7, 1838. 17. Release from Military Services, partially printed, Třeboň, June 19, 1810. 18. Confirmation of marital origin by the mayor and the town council of Úštěk, October 27, 1987.

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