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Main page > Auction > 68. The Christmas Auction > Set of Seven Exhibition Catalogues


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1908 - 1938
Seven catalogues from exhibitions in Vienna and Prague in 1908 - 1938. 1. Katalog der Kunstschau, Wien, 1908, 167 numbered pages + attachments. With floor plan of the exhibition, photographic views of the exhibition and reproductions of several selected works. Exhibited artists: Josef Hoffman, Carl Moll, Gustav Klimt etc. 2. Katalog der Frühjahrs Ausstellung Künstlerbund Hagen, Wien, 1910. Exhibited Czech artists: Alois Kalvoda, František Uprka, Hugo Böttinger, Rudolf Bém etc. With handwritten notes in Czech. 3. Künstlerhaus Wien, Carl Moll, eine Auswahl aus seinem Werke anlässlich der Vollendung seines 60. Lebensjahres, Wien 1921. 20 numbered pages + 10 black and white reproduction on coated paper. 4. Special exhibition of Viennese art group Hagen organised by Krasoumná jednota for Czechs in Prague, Prague 1911. Not paged, attachment with the prices of the exhibited works. 5. Exhibition catalogue of Jednota umělců výtvarných, Prague 1910. Not paged, attachment with the prices of the exhibited works. 6. Katalog XXXI. Výstavy S.V.U. Mánes "Les Indépendants", Prague 1910. Not paged, advertising attachments and attachment with the prices of the exhibited works. Exhibited artists: Pierre Bonnard, George Braque, André Derain, Kees Van Dogen etc. 7. Katalog 65. výstavy Sdružení Výtvarníků v Praze, Paris 1938, Several members of the salon "Surindépendants" and guests. Prague, March - April 1938, Gallery SV. Exhibited artists: Fernand Léger, André Lhote, Robert Delaunay etc.

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