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Main page > Auction > 61. Auction of Arts and Antiques > Set of 22 A-H Badges


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Austria-Hungary, 1895-1918
Bronze jubilee commemorative medal (Jubiläums - Erinnerungsmedaille). 1898 - Ø 46 mm. Knob from uniform of Austrian-Hungarian army, "Wien 22" Ø 22 mm. Badge "VITAM ET SANGVINEM", oval 42x31 mm. Hat badge "1914-1918", zinc sheet, without pin. 30x28 mm. 4 badges "1914-1916" bakelite?, on a pin. Ø 22 mm. 2 badges "1914 1915 1916" Badge for an uniform of A-H Red Cross, on a pin. Ø 22 mm. Badge with a portrait "Kriegspatenschaft 1915". Ø 22 mm. Badge "Kriegspatenschaft 1916" bronze, blue enamel. 22x20 mm. Badge with Wilhelm II. and Fr. Joseph I. "VIRIBUS UNITIS 1914" Ø 30 mm. Badge "Kriegshilfsdienst 1914, Wiener Freiwillige Rettungsgesellschaft IX. Dec. 1881" bronze, black enamel. Ø 37 mm. Badge "1914 1917 Munitionsfabrik" zinc sheet. Ø 33 mm. Badge "1914 1917 Munitionsfabrik" zinc sheet. Ø 33 mm. 2 badges "Für die Grabstätten der gefallenen Helden, Limanowa - Tarnow - Gorlice 1915", zinc sheet. Ø 36 mm. Patriotic badge, white enamel cross, bronze, 32x22 mm. Patriotic badge, star, white enamel cross, bronze, 35x24 mm. Hat badge "Franc. Ios. I." Franz Joseph I., bronze, 40x33 mm. Tie pin "U" and flag of Hungary. 38 mm. Badge "I. Oest. Fleischhauer und Fleischselcher Tag Wien", bronze, blue enamel. 42x30 mm. Condition B-C.

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