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Main page > Auction > 71. Christmas Auction of Art and Antiquities > Müller`s Map of Moravia


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Johann Christoph Müller (1673-1721)


1790 (2nd edition)
Tabula Generalis Marchionatus Moraviae in sex circulos divisae quos Mandato Caesareo accurate emensus hac mappa delineatos exhibet Ioh. Christoph Müller S.C.M. Capitane Cartouche with title in upper left corner. Decorative cartouche with legend in upper right corner. Decorative cartouche with scale in lower left corner. Map consists of four sheets 70,5x52cm Total dimensions: 142x104,5cm In late May of 1708 the Bohemian Chancery (Česká dvroská kancelář, Böhmische Hofkanzlei) residing in Vienna ordered the Moravian Governer Office (Úřad zemského hejtmanství, Landeshauptmannschaft) to prepare a new map of Moravia. The fact that it was a more or less formal commission is evident from the date it was assigned: already on the 11th of June. The work was entrusted to Johann Christoph Müller who immediately afterwards began with the survey of the Znojmo region. He sent his detailed sketches in 1712 to the regional governors (krajští hejtmané, Kreishauptleute) to have them reviewed, and only after incorporating their comments could the final draft for the production of a printing plate have been prepared. Two years later the Brno engraver Johann Christoph Leidig was commissioned to make four copper plates. The map, which presented a major turning point in the quality of cartographic imaging of the Moravian territory, was in subsequent years many times reprinted and many other maps have been derived from it. https://mapy.mzk.cz/en/mapy-moravy/mullerova-mapa-moravy/

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